Warhammer 40k Imperial Knights Steven Universe Homeworld Fan Art

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I hope Lord Abaddon is pleased to hear a knight rampager has joined the Black Legion.

This was a actually fun project (that I could probably waste more hours into but more chaos marines are waiting for paint). I did some dry-brushing with make-up brushes and the steel and it worked wonders! Really pleased with that.

The little complimentary-hands came out quite well besides so that's always a win lol, too bad some of the stencils failed just I can't win them all I guess

But yep I hope games workshop get tricked by tzeentch to brand another chaos knight (hopefully with a pilot that's fused in the cabin and some more weapon options would be fucking great....) crusade then I'k definitely ownership another chonky boy.

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<< A prison cell within Kylo Ren's private grooming circuitous. The Finalizer.>>

They couldn't proceed meeting this way.

He had neatly avoided a jab from his sparring partner. It was a deft i, well-directed, powerfully, and well-nigh, Kylo noted, expertly deployed. They'd simply been grooming for two lunar cycles, and they both had much to acquire - the trooper well-nigh of all. He was immature, broken-hearted,  ignorant of his might, and willing. So willing.  But he was skilful, also.

c r a c 1000

Of a sudden, the eskrima'southward bear on confronting the lateral part of Ren's belly, external oblique thrumming from the forcefulness of the blow. Kylo did not parry his opponent's flux then well this time. He stumbled only apace regained his remainder.

They had to stop coming together like this.

It wasn't the outset time Kylo Ren had this idea. At outset, they met more or less discretely, in 1 of the simulators in the Finalizers academy grooming development. He was able to convince General Hux that he'd taken on other students, or would, as he put it to the General, capitalize soldiers that failed to recondition. Ren framed it equally their final run a risk to prove their worth to the Social club, and in the end, Hux had the pleasure of retiring six such students. All but FN-2437. Then they began to come across in other ways. They began finding each other in the corridors. And now.

At present, Ren vaulted. He tackled his sparring partner to the ground, knocking the eskrima from his grip, pressed his own to FN-2437's pharynx, brought his face to the soldier'due south face up. His jiff was warm and sweetness; the vigor of the game brought a touch on of color to his face. Kylo Ren shook the perspiration from his hair.

He could feel the contours of FN-2437's ribs and the length of his belly, the ridged inscriptions to a higher place his stomach, confronting his bare arms. Then Ren's thigh'southward wrapped taut around the other homo's waist.

"FN-2437," he whispered, his open up mouth a pilus's breadth away from the soldier's neck.

"Yield," he laughed, breathlessly.


They would have to stop coming together this way.

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//Noise marine themed knight washed. Bring the Noise!

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In the neat engine wars of the Knightly Houses, oil runs equally blood. Metal strikes metal in peals of thunder, casting dazzling sparks the size of men. The great and terrible fury of these demigods of iron is as no other, a seething ancestral hatred shared past these warriors that no mere mortal of flesh and bone could comprehend.

He was there, you know. He was there when the House carve up in twain, for the Warmaster and the Emperor both. His is a dying breed - Mortifex Malefica was the last to autumn, and the impostor that now wears his iron skin is a stake imitation of the not bad Knight's erstwhile glory. Merely he remains, in all his dark majesty. Only he remembers.

She does not know how many came before her, between now and the Bully Reaving - so many take passed into the Throne Mechanicum that their voices simply flow together, each conveying their millennia-long grudge to the next in line. She knows full well what the ruby and bronze monstrosity in front end of her represents, and her Knight's burning center rumbles in hateful sympathy.

No words could convey this mutual loathing, and none are needed. Both know that merely 1 warrior will leave the field this twenty-four hours, and the other's lineage will end in the clay of this planet, their legacy naught but dust on the wind. Laurels demands nothing less.

As is customary, the Dawnstar offers its salute - raising its weapons on loftier and clashing them together. The Corpus Belicosa, every bit if remembering something that it one time was, returns this fleeting gesture in kind. For a moment, one could almost imagine what the warrior had once stood for, an echo of a long-lost age of accolade and knightly, before becoming the monster it was today.

It is not a moment that lasts.

Metal strikes metal, and oil runs as blood...

For some aboriginal rivals, the covenant of hatred runs thicker than either blood or water. Carrying a vendetta nine thousand years in the making, Annabeth Weiss is the latest Scion to pilot the legendary Dawnstar, one of the last surviving Knights of the original founders of her Business firm. In opposition, Corpus Belicosa - a dread war engine so ancient that the airplane pilot and auto take long ceased to exist separate entities, the final remaining traitor from the House's fratricidal divide in the dark days of the Horus Heresy. Theirs is a hatred forged in centuries of state of war across generations of Knights, born of ceaseless nuclear hearts shackled in steel, and when their reckoning finally comes information technology shall end every bit all things must end - in fe and blood.

In celebration of the new Questor Imperialis updates, Dawnstar and Corpus Belicosa have received some much needed TLC! These include improved bases and weathering, extra touches of crimson on Belicosa'due south weapons, and Dawnstar's banner finally existence an actual banner rather than a white rectangle!

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My knight boi's

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Sv'vaden four

Segmentum: Segmentum Pacificus Perdita

System: Sv'vaden Solar

Population: Unknown

Affiliation: Unaligned

Class: Knight World


Sv'vaden 4 is a planet of a size between that of Terra and Luna, and is dominated past a big ocean with a major landmass surrounded by many smaller islands.

The largest island has a central collection of mountains with a volcanic pool in a bowl within them. These mountains have go known as the 'Crown' by the human population and sections accept been hollowed out for the construction of Knight Keeps. Small hamlet populations are present near the coast lines for a supply of less mutual fish but most are based around the base of operations of the Crown.

The smaller islands are known locally as Islands Minoris or Kakeren, a are host to the majority of the Kikreth population. Greater volcanic activity about the surface has allowed for a comfortable surroundings for the xenos while likewise providing rich mineral resources.

Faunal Notes:

Across the presence of the Kikreth xenos, there is little of annotation related to the faunal presence on the planet. A handful of species have been domesticated past the Human and Kikreth population for varying purposes, such as for raw materials or to deed as beasts of burden. Every bit many vital vitamins and minerals are unobtainable from the floral life, most herbivores are able to synthesise these components internally.

Floral Notes:

A bulk of the dominant floral species accept been initially evolved to thrive in the confines of volcanic caverns and fissures, with secondary mutations to allow for survival on the surface. With this subterranean flora, a bulk of nutrient items consist of roots and root veg, and only small portions of fruits from transported plants from the send. Arboreal strains are present but are suspected to have died out if not for their preservation by both major species planetside.

Groups of Interest:

The Makabians

Descendant from a lost loyalist fragment of the renegade House Makabius, they retain many technological needs to maintain their Royal Knights but have advanced very little in advancing the noncombatant population. While hesitant of the approach of the Unbound Empire, stable communications have been created with the splintered House and the Empire and hopes are developing to integrate them more thoroughly with time.

The Kikreth

A fledgling insectoid xenos species at near constant conflict with the Makabians. While primitive technologically, their psychic/pheromonal hive mind and aptitude for tunneling has made them able to best even the hulking Knights in ideal terrain for their skill. With the unique interpersonal communication, creating communication with the xenos has proved a challenge but not impossible for the chaotic empire.

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I hear

We have rules for Chaos Knights...

...as well saw Eagles yesterday, dorsum soon

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Unfinished knight pearl

@palezma I think you'd like this

Idk if I'll finish it tbh but yknow

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Practise I really demand NY Volkner?

No. I already accept 2/v Northward EX

Do I regret pulling for NY Volkner?

Absolutely not 😘💛

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Redraw of Elsa and Lohengrin by Gaston Bussière for the Knight AU.

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@erisdiamas | Connected

Raspberry Tart's eyes rested on the small child, fifty-fifty he looked tired, and he manipulates the realm of the mindscape merely a snap of his fingers on a nigh daily basis. He took a breath, "As y'all want, merely call back what I've said, it'south not my fault if you don't take the chances I've given you lot to leave."

He commanded his swarm of butterflies. The collywobbles flight faster and faster, before the two of them were teleported out side of the memory of the precious stone-infinite itself, and rather observing the actions outside, just similar the tertiary person observers they were acting as in that moment.

Homo Steven, Greg, and Connie were looking over the gems splayed out on the coffee table. The kitchen nonetheless a mess from the days worth of baking the cookies uneaten. Man Steven still glowing pink. "hey Schtuball, its gonna exist ok, they'll be dorsum in no fourth dimension." Greg replied trying to keep a positive mental attitude. Connie nodding, "Yea, I mean this isn't the beginning time they poofed right?" Human Steven gaze was at his brother's gem, "Yes, this wouldn't be the first time, but this was certainly different, this gem came out of no where, with this behemothic drill that'due south pumping the Earth total of something, and and so she said 'my human half wouldn't stand a chance' I hateful granted I remember she might take thought Steven was a hybrid, perhaps?... just she said she did something to his precious stone! What did she do to you guys??" The human'due south voice cracking feeling the sadness in his throat, before seeing Pearl's gem kickoff to float up into the air, eventually forming a hologram of a mollusk asking for a proper name. Steven and Connie both silent before turning to Greg, who spoke out his own proper noun with a shrug. Pearl reforming in forepart of them. Nonetheless non in the aforementioned outfit that Pearl sported before. The short hair that stopped but at the neckline with aureate choker, pink cold shoulder top with the small darker pink star on her breast, with the long light-green fingerless gloves, with a darker green pair of pants that stopped at the mid calf, with a muddy red pair of flats with dark-green socks that matched the gloves, were replaced with a long braided pilus manner that came downward to the Pearl'due south waist, her outfit at present more of a fancy dress, a pinkish diamond on her chest to betoken the Diamond she served, while a 2nd pink diamond where her belly button would be as a fashion to match her diamond. This Pearl had walked past the concerned Steven that was then confused to see her similar this, only for her to greet his father as her Um Greg Universe. His optics widening in shock, every bit the Pearl began to sing. The gem residing in her correct palm wasn't cracked at all adding to more of the defoliation. Equally the others reformed i after another, Cherry sporting a pony tail property her curly pilus back, Sapphire, forming before long after her hair reminiscent of a Padparadscha rather than the long pilus about Sapphires were known for, Amethyst looking like a little puppet mimicking everyone else's movements as she was overcooked. It became more and more clear to Human Steven, "They forgot who they were.... this affair fabricated them forget who they were." His eyes widened, going to pop the bubble containing Spinel, every bit she floated up as the other gems besides his brother's jewel who yet laid on the tabular array dormant. The one time twisted gem'due south middle shaped gem formed with it right side up and her glowing arms wrapping effectually Steven practically launching her into a hug knocking him to the footing and making him roll into the counter, with the vocal from the reset Pearl explaining that this cutey middle clad gem with the perfect cut, and that was pink as well, was named Spinel. Human being Steven looked at her confused at the form he had seen before getting reset back into this pocket-size innocent form. "..." Homo Steven twitched, his heed putting the pieces together, if anybody had forgot who they were that meant.... He but started muttering no repeatedly under his breath, his tears welling up in his eyes, to the point where he couldn't run across, he was shaking. He lost Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven all in one day. While this cute little precious stone had no recollection of the days events at all, even trying to cheer him up by making his cute little faces, but his grief was stronger than the efforts of those effectually him at the moment... after all, at that place was that voice... it seemed familiar simply afar?

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Needle, Leaf, and Fluff become taken back dwelling house safely in the end, and Ghost at present has many more than enemies on their growing list of enemies, Hollow only gained new anxiety cause 'oh shit, new siblings-' and que a agglomeration of 'what if-' questions, Needle, Leaf, and Fluff are napping


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My Super Ungodly List of 40k OCs

Nether a read more cause.. it'south a lot


99-Novem + Proficient Boy - Tech Priest / Cybermastiff - Can barely set up things, barely remembers to pray to the Omnissiah, totally disfunctional, and grieving over her dead robo domestic dog. Someone help this poor girl

Andirke Custos Undecim-005-J023PH - Magos Biologis - Another intelligent dumbass as well completely fucking weird

Marsa-12 - Skitarii - Andirke's gf and obligatory person who tells him that "Aye, while that is a good theory, please do not wake up the necron tomb"

Vitellius - @thetechpriestandspacemarine - Ex-Electropriest - Also a dumbass, but a well pregnant one, does his all-time to help even though he'southward not good at it, blind as hell and non only literally

Purple GUARD

Brailer Tetricus - Medicae + Drug dealer - Hyper intelligent dumbass. Absolute SHITLORD, addicted to drugs similar it's nobodies business and someone finish her before she sasses off to the space marine-

Nomen "Blaze" Nescio - Heavy Weapons - Chad. Absolute Chad. A unit with a flamer and not afraid to testify off his massive lighter collection. Where he gets them, not fifty-fifty he knows. Besides a pyromaniac with a mustache and perpetual sunglasses

Larkin - Navis Imperialis - NAVY Helm! Perpetually disgruntled tho

Tronsk Belligor - Ratling Marksmen - Sly north sneaky and will shoot your ankles and that'due south it

Avulocris - @thetechpriestandspacemarine - Renegade Astartes - Him try his all-time to go along his friend alive. Dad friend, whether he admits it or not

Pallarmos - Marines Malevolent - No. Just no.

Blood brother Cacophony - Noise Marine - No. Simply no. Personality of a dyspeptic saltine cracker

Icalos - T'au Aligned Salamander - Large boi, loves smol wifey [Bap]

Bap - Fire Warrior T'au - Smol lady, loves big husband [Icalos]

Lu - Burn Warrior T'au - TOL lady Tau, fuck around and find out


Anette - Homo - Somehow very lucky, can and has killed an Astartes single handedly

Otto Decark - Marines Malevolent [Alpha Legion] - GRUMPY Human, called Carpet past Anette, "What exercise y'all Mean you lot didn't think I like you? I glared at yous!"

Apollinaris Tarchim - Ultramarine - "HOW DOES ALL OF MY PLANS Autumn Apart?!", no 1 listens to him

Maxaen Hectatis - Brazen Claws - Acts sus, isn't sus

Pontormo Invictiad - Regal Fist - *rogal dorn vox* Why are y'all a dumbass?

Kestith Chronah - Blood Affections - *FERAL NOISES* Also best friend of the year, 100/10 will be best friends again

Magos Asicro - Tech Priest - *creepy giggling ensues*

Kates Hereticalis - Grey Knight - Total dude bro but at the aforementioned time has and will recite 1000000000000000 pages of poetry by heart while stabbing you

Elissa Von Vassina - Inquisitor - Tin and volition stomp on your face up with high heels and laugh nearly it later

Orazio - Lamenter Dreadnought - 100% CERTIFIED GR AN D P A! Parent vibes, will be your granddaddy


Tomlin Payul - Inquisitor - Secretly a T'au and is 100% more loyal to the Imperium than his species and his adoptive father

Cateral Payul - Inquisitor - Total cheapsake, tries to do everything with the bare minimum of money

Quinkelin Wendahnal - Ex-Black Dragon Inquisitor - Doesn't talk, somehow makes everyone talk. The dude that looms ominously in doorways

Zag Vurvendt - Inquisitor - Radical and obsessed with Slaaneshi cults like a we ir practise


Zezota Sertall - Rogue Trader - The incarnation of fuck around and find out and is strict with her crew. Yes she dresses fancy merely isn't a fan of jewels tbh

Pylon - Ultramarine[Undecided tbh] - Tries and fails to change his name, e'er fails cause everyone ignores information technology, my dude wants to stop being bullied, dammit

Shield-Walker - T'au Aligned Astartes

Heedlessly Brave - T'au - A sm id ge racist towards humans andshieldwalker, is learning to non be like that tho

Rookie - Air Caste T'au - Isn't really a Rookie only that's what everyone calls him rip

Strongarm - T'au Mercenary - HELLA vitrify for a T'au and will WRECK your shit in a split 2nd. Absolutely Aroused hasasoftspotforZeztho

Daeco - Renegade Astartes - Single father of i Eldar kid, loves his daughter, volition murder the chaos gods and the emperor for her

Antia + Glowthorn - Smol Aeldari daughter of Daeco


Arlina Marchena - Slaanesh Aligned - Majesty's Most Cunning

Vridel Marchena - Khorne Aligned - Everlasting Conqueror

Rordin Marchena - Loyalist - Herald of Honor

Valmir Wester the 3rd - Freeblade - Oathsworn Custodian

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Speaking of Knights, Firm Jormungandr is finally fully painted and fix to march to war!  Spent a lot of time on these big boys and they are ready to do some stompin'!

A quick fluff overview- House Jormungandr was a house named for the famed serpentine Megafauna of their dwelling globe.  The planet was found in the later stages of the neat crusade by an Blastoff legion explorator fleet.  Upon joining the Imperium of man's great cause, the house had deleted all records of their previous existence, and the pilots were never again seen outside of their suits.  The firm keeps no private honors, and the only displayed iconography is the serpent and tree motif of their home world and the scale design on the armor,  Famed in battle for their seemingly silent advance, the Knights had worked well within the construction of their lords from the Blastoff Legion.  At the stop of the Horus Heresy, the Knights had continued to retreat to the galactic east along with their host legion.  In the current era, the knights follow a seemingly mysterious objective.  They are know to help or hinder Imperial war efforts on a whim, and will always vanish earlier anyone can question why they are there.  The house appears to take several rare armors of Mechanicum origin, but how they maintain these ancient relics while cutting off from the priesthood of mars is a mystery.

Total Unit Setup-

Knight Atropos "Titanslayer"

Knight Styrix "Silence"

Knight Magaera "The Faceless"

Knight Warden "Ruin"

Knight Paladin "The Storm"

Knight Errant "Wrath"

Knight Gallant "The Butcher"

Knight Crusader "Hellfire"

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(I started a new sketchbook because I clearly need to add more than to my collection.)

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Source: https://www.tumgir.com/tag/renegade%20knight

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