Which Activity Can Occur Without the Use of Energy

The Role of Free energy and Metabolism

All organisms require energy to complete tasks; metabolism is the set of the chemic reactions that release energy for cellular processes.

Learning Objectives

Explain the importance of metabolism

Central Takeaways

Fundamental Points

  • All living organisms demand free energy to abound and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments; metabolism is the set of the processes that makes energy bachelor for cellular processes.
  • Metabolism is a combination of chemic reactions that are spontaneous and release energy and chemic reactions that are non-spontaneous and require free energy in gild to proceed.
  • Living organisms must take in energy via food, nutrients, or sunlight in order to carry out cellular processes.
  • The transport, synthesis, and breakdown of nutrients and molecules in a cell require the use of energy.

Primal Terms

  • metabolism: the complete ready of chemical reactions that occur in living cells
  • bioenergetics: the study of the energy transformations that take place in living organisms
  • energy: the capacity to practice work

Energy and Metabolism

All living organisms demand energy to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical processes that enables organisms transform the chemical free energy stored in molecules into energy that can be used for cellular processes. Animals swallow food to replenish energy; their metabolism breaks down the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids to provide chemical energy for these processes. Plants catechumen light energy from the sunday into chemical energy stored in molecules during the process of photosynthesis.

Bioenergetics and Chemical Reactions

Scientists use the term bioenergetics to talk over the concept of energy menstruation through living systems such as cells. Cellular processes such as the edifice and breaking down of complex molecules occur through footstep-by-pace chemic reactions. Some of these chemical reactions are spontaneous and release free energy, whereas others crave energy to go on. All of the chemical reactions that accept place inside cells, including those that use energy and those that release energy, are the jail cell'southward metabolism.


About energy comes from the sunday, either directly or indirectly: Nigh life forms on earth get their energy from the sun. Plants utilise photosynthesis to capture sunlight, and herbivores swallow those plants to obtain energy. Carnivores eat the herbivores, and decomposers digest establish and animate being thing.

Cellular Metabolism

Every task performed by living organisms requires energy. Energy is needed to perform heavy labor and practise, merely humans also use a slap-up deal of energy while thinking and fifty-fifty while sleeping. For every action that requires free energy, many chemical reactions take place to provide chemical energy to the systems of the torso, including muscles, nerves, center, lungs, and brain.

The living cells of every organism constantly utilize energy to survive and abound. Cells break down complex carbohydrates into uncomplicated sugars that the cell tin use for free energy. Muscle cells may consumer energy to build long muscle proteins from small amino acrid molecules. Molecules can be modified and transported around the cell or may be distributed to the entire organism. Just equally energy is required to both build and annihilate a edifice, free energy is required for both the synthesis and breakdown of molecules.

Many cellular process require a steady supply of energy provided by the prison cell'southward metabolism. Signaling molecules such every bit hormones and neurotransmitters must be synthesized and then transported betwixt cells. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses are ingested and broken downward past cells. Cells must also export waste and toxins to stay salubrious, and many cells must swim or move surrounding materials via the chirapsia motion of cellular appendages like cilia and flagella.


Eating provides energy for activities like flight: A hummingbird needs energy to maintain prolonged periods of flight. The hummingbird obtains its free energy from taking in nutrient and transforming the nutrients into energy through a series of biochemical reactions. The flight muscles in birds are extremely efficient in energy product.

Types of Energy

The various types of energy include kinetic, potential, and chemical energy.

Learning Objectives

Differentiate between types of energy

Cardinal Takeaways

Central Points

  • All organisms use different forms of energy to power the biological processes that let them to grow and survive.
  • Kinetic energy is the energy associated with objects in motion.
  • Potential energy is the type of energy associated with an object's potential to do work.
  • Chemical energy is the type of free energy released from the breakdown of chemical bonds and can be harnessed for metabolic processes.

Key Terms

  • chemical energy: The net potential energy liberated or absorbed during the course of a chemical reaction.
  • potential energy: Energy possessed by an object considering of its position (in a gravitational or electric field), or its condition (every bit a stretched or compressed spring, every bit a chemic reactant, or past having rest mass).
  • kinetic energy: The free energy possessed by an object considering of its motion, equal to i half the mass of the body times the foursquare of its velocity.

Energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms, but cannot be created or destroyed. Organisms use free energy to survive, grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce, and for every blazon of biological process. The potential free energy stored in molecules can be converted to chemical energy, which can ultimately be converted to kinetic energy, enabling an organism to move. Eventually, most of energy used past organisms is transformed into oestrus and dissipated.

Kinetic Free energy

Energy associated with objects in motion is called kinetic free energy. For instance, when an airplane is in flight, the plane is moving through air very speedily—doing work to enact change on its surround. The jet engines are converting potential energy in fuel to the kinetic energy of motion. A wrecking ball tin can perform a large corporeality of impairment, even when moving slowly. Nevertheless, a still wrecking ball cannot perform any work and therefore has no kinetic energy. A speeding bullet, a walking person, the rapid motion of molecules in the air that produces heat, and electromagnetic radiations, such equally sunlight, all have kinetic free energy.

Potential Energy

What if that same motionless wrecking brawl is lifted two stories above a motorcar with a crane? If the suspended wrecking ball is non moving, is in that location energy associated with it? Yeah, the wrecking ball has energy because the wrecking ball has the potential to practise work. This form of energy is chosen potential energy considering it is possible for that object to practise work in a given state.

Objects transfer their energy betwixt potential and kinetic states. As the wrecking brawl hangs motionlessly, it has [latex]\text{0%}[/latex] kinetic and [latex]\text{100%}[/latex] potential energy. One time the brawl is released, its kinetic energy increases as the ball picks up speed. At the same time, the ball loses potential energy as it nears the ground. Other examples of potential energy include the free energy of water held behind a dam or a person almost to skydive out of an airplane.


Potential energy vs. kinetic free energy: Water backside a dam has potential energy. Moving h2o, such as in a waterfall or a quickly flowing river, has kinetic free energy.

Chemical Energy

Potential energy is not but associated with the location of matter, but as well with the structure of matter. A spring on the ground has potential energy if it is compressed, as does a prophylactic band that is pulled taut. The aforementioned principle applies to molecules. On a chemical level, the bonds that hold the atoms of molecules together have potential energy. This blazon of potential energy is called chemical energy, and like all potential energy, information technology can exist used to exercise work.

For instance, chemical energy is independent in the gasoline molecules that are used to power cars. When gas ignites in the engine, the bonds within its molecules are broken, and the free energy released is used to drive the pistons. The potential energy stored within chemical bonds can be harnessed to perform work for biological processes. Unlike metabolic processes suspension down organic molecules to release the free energy for an organism to grow and survive.


Chemical energy: The molecules in gasoline (octane, the chemical formula shown) incorporate chemical energy. This energy is transformed into kinetic energy that allows a car to race on a racetrack.

Metabolic Pathways

An anabolic pathway requires energy and builds molecules while a catabolic pathway produces energy and breaks downward molecules.

Learning Objectives

Describe the two major types of metabolic pathways

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Points

  • A metabolic pathway is a series of chemical reactions in a cell that build and breakup molecules for cellular processes.
  • Anabolic pathways synthesize molecules and crave free energy.
  • Catabolic pathways break downwards molecules and produce free energy.
  • Considering almost all metabolic reactions take place non-spontaneously, proteins called enzymes help facilitate those chemic reactions.

Key Terms

  • catabolism: subversive metabolism, usually including the release of energy and breakdown of materials
  • enzyme: a globular protein that catalyses a biological chemic reaction
  • anabolism: the constructive metabolism of the trunk, equally distinguished from catabolism

Metabolic Pathways

The processes of making and breaking down carbohydrate molecules illustrate two types of metabolic pathways. A metabolic pathway is a step-by-footstep series of interconnected biochemical reactions that convert a substrate molecule or molecules through a serial of metabolic intermediates, eventually yielding a last production or products. For example, ane metabolic pathway for carbohydrates breaks big molecules down into glucose. Some other metabolic pathway might build glucose into large carbohydrate molecules for storage. The first of these processes requires energy and is referred to as anabolic. The second process produces energy and is referred to as catabolic. Consequently, metabolism is composed of these two opposite pathways:

  1. Anabolism (building molecules)
  2. Catabolism (breaking downward molecules)


Anabolic and catabolic pathways: Anabolic pathways are those that require energy to synthesize larger molecules. Catabolic pathways are those that generate energy by breaking down larger molecules. Both types of pathways are required for maintaining the cell'southward free energy balance.

Anabolic Pathways

Anabolic pathways require an input of energy to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones. One example of an anabolic pathway is the synthesis of sugar from CO2. Other examples include the synthesis of large proteins from amino acid building blocks and the synthesis of new Dna strands from nucleic acid edifice blocks. These processes are critical to the life of the cell, take place constantly, and demand energy provided by ATP and other loftier-energy molecules like NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADPH.

Catabolic Pathways

Catabolic pathways involve the degradation of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing the chemical energy stored in the bonds of those molecules. Some catabolic pathways tin capture that energy to produce ATP, the molecule used to power all cellular processes. Other energy-storing molecules, such as lipids, are also broken down through like catabolic reactions to release free energy and make ATP.

Importance of Enzymes

Chemical reactions in metabolic pathways rarely accept place spontaneously. Each reaction pace is facilitated, or catalyzed, past a poly peptide called an enzyme. Enzymes are important for catalyzing all types of biological reactions: those that require energy as well as those that release energy.

Metabolism of Carbohydrates

Organisms break downwardly carbohydrates to produce free energy for cellular processes, and photosynthetic plants produce carbohydrates.

Learning Objectives

Clarify the importance of sugar metabolism to free energy production

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • The breakdown of glucose living organisms utilise to produce free energy is described by the equation: [latex]{ \text{C} }_{ 6 }{ \text{H} }_{ 12 }{ \text{O} }_{ 6 }+six{ \text{O} }_{ two }\rightarrow 6{ \text{CO} }_{ 2 }+6{ \text{H} }_{ 2 }\text{O}+\text{free energy}[/latex].
  • The photosynthetic procedure plants utilize to synthesize glucose is described by the equation: [latex]half-dozen\text{CO}_{ ii }+vi{ \text{H} }_{ ii }\text{O}+\text{energy}\rightarrow { \text{C} }_{ 6 }{ \text{H} }_{ 12 }{ \text{O} }_{ 6 }+6\text{O}_{ 2 }[/latex].
  • Glucose that is consumed is used to make energy in the form of ATP, which is used to perform work and power chemical reactions in the cell.
  • During photosynthesis, plants convert light free energy into chemical free energy that is used to build molecules of glucose.

Key Terms

  • adenosine triphosphate: a multifunctional nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme, often called the "molecular unit of energy currency" in intracellular energy transfer
  • glucose: a simple monosaccharide (saccharide) with a molecular formula of C6H12O6; it is a principal source of energy for cellular metabolism

Metabolism of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are ane of the major forms of energy for animals and plants. Plants build carbohydrates using light energy from the sun (during the process of photosynthesis), while animals eat plants or other animals to obtain carbohydrates. Plants store carbohydrates in long polysaccharides chains called starch, while animals store carbohydrates as the molecule glycogen. These big polysaccharides contain many chemical bonds and therefore shop a lot of chemical free energy. When these molecules are broken downwards during metabolism, the free energy in the chemical bonds is released and can be harnessed for cellular processes.


All living things utilize carbohydrates as a form of energy.: Plants, like this oak tree and acorn, apply energy from sunlight to brand sugar and other organic molecules. Both plants and animals (like this squirrel) use cellular respiration to derive energy from the organic molecules originally produced past plants

Energy Production from Carbohydrates (Cellular Respiration )

The metabolism of whatsoever monosaccharide (simple sugar) can produce free energy for the cell to use. Excess carbohydrates are stored as starch in plants and every bit glycogen in animals, ready for metabolism if the energy demands of the organism suddenly increase. When those free energy demands increase, carbohydrates are cleaved down into elective monosaccharides, which are then distributed to all the living cells of an organism. Glucose (C6H12Osix) is a mutual instance of the monosaccharides used for energy production.

Inside the jail cell, each sugar molecule is broken down through a complex series of chemical reactions. As chemic energy is released from the bonds in the monosaccharide, it is harnessed to synthesize high-free energy adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. ATP is the primary energy currency of all cells. Just equally the dollar is used every bit currency to purchase goods, cells employ molecules of ATP to perform immediate piece of work and power chemical reactions.

The breakdown of glucose during metabolism is call cellular respiration tin can be described by the equation:

[latex]{ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 12 }{ O }_{ 6 }+6{ O }_{ 2 }\rightarrow 6{ CO }_{ ii }+6{ H }_{ 2 }O+energy[/latex]

Producing Carbohydrates (Photosynthesis)

Plants and some other types of organisms produce carbohydrates through the process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants catechumen low-cal energy into chemical free energy by building carbon dioxide gas molecules (CO2) into sugar molecules like glucose. Because this process involves building bonds to synthesize a large molecule, it requires an input of energy (light) to proceed. The synthesis of glucose by photosynthesis is described past this equation (notice that it is the contrary of the previous equation):

[latex]6CO_{ 2 }+6{ H }_{ 2 }O+energy\rightarrow { C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 12 }{ O }_{ half dozen }+6O_{ 2 }[/latex]

Every bit part of plants' chemical processes, glucose molecules tin can be combined with and converted into other types of sugars. In plants, glucose is stored in the form of starch, which tin be broken down dorsum into glucose via cellular respiration in order to supply ATP.


Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/energy-and-metabolism/

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